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We're very excited to have you on this journey with us! Odyssey is a MacOS app that lets you connect multiple AI models without a single line of code. There are two core pieces to how Odyssey works.

  • Nodes are AI models, APIs, and simple tasks that take an input and turn it into an output

  • Workflows are collections of nodes that help you reach a desired result

    Before you start, if you have any specific questions the best way to get them answered is to contact us. We love your feedback and look forward to hearing from you.


We're very excited to have you on this journey with us! Odyssey is a MacOS app that lets you connect multiple AI models without a single line of code. There are two core pieces to how Odyssey works.

  • Nodes are AI models, APIs, and simple tasks that take an input and turn it into an output

  • Workflows are collections of nodes that help you reach a desired result

    Before you start, if you have any specific questions the best way to get them answered is to contact us. We love your feedback and look forward to hearing from you.

Get started —>